Saturday, December 2, 2006


Ok! Could Grey's Anatomy stop already with the deadbaby story lines? I mean ,it has only been 2 months since we lost Makenzie and the show now has approached the issue twice. My poor friends- I believe they are affected by it more than me. "Did you see the show tonight? If you DVRed it you may not want to watch it!" or at commercial break.. ring -" Are you watching? Are you okay?"

The wierd thing is I don't recall seeing ANY babies die on TV in the 1 yr and 9 months I was preparing and carrying Kenzie. Don't get me wrong, I do believe the public needs to be more aware that these things still happen in the 21st century. But geez, just give ME a little more time before my favorite show throws it in my face.

1 comment:

Rosepetal said...

I have never seen Grey's Anatomy, but I did used to watch ER a lot on DVD and have completely stopped. It could reduce me to tears before Moksha was born, I don't dare guess what it would do to me now. I'm glad you have friends who take the time to call you - that's very important.

About Makenzie's ashes - it helps me to have a place to go to which I think of Moksha's place, even though I think of him all the time anyway. That place could be your own back garden, a cemetery, or a place where you scatter the ashes. Some people choose to keep the ashes in an urn with them in their home. I hope you feel ready to pick them up one day. (((Hugs))). It is something no-one ever expects to have to do, pick up your own child's ashes.

Thinking of you and little Makenzie.