Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Roller Coaster of Love

I am not sure exactly what to think, so I am hoping to get some feedback on this one.

It seems as though my m.cycle is avoiding me this month. Which is kind of puzzling since I have had them the last two months. I am at day 37 and usually am 28-32 days. I know it has only been 3 1/2 months since my C-section but it just odd that I would have 2 and now no sign of one.(minus some minor cramping a wk or so ago.)

I have been REALLY moody, well I'd say, Damn near cranky lately. Which I thought might be monthly related,but maybe not.? Maybe it is stress related. Starting back with work and all. I am enjoying the job force again, but I have to admit there has been some distance and frustrations betwixt the DH and I. Which is never good. I am kinda swirling in my head wondering if all this is aftermath or underlying issues. It is weird-but, I kinda miss the months after losing Makenzie when the world seemed simpler. DH and I were in our little cocoon of sorrow where we had each other for comfort and everything else besides love seemed so futile. Now we are(mostly me) in the real world again "9-5ing it" pursuing the dream. In the rat race going through the motions. I get so caught up in the career and the goals that I develop tunnel vision. Unable to reign myself in at times. Anyways-I am rambling and probably not making much sense- so I will quit for now.

I will call the Doc @ the missed cycle this wk. But was wondering if anyone had some insight. Thanks for sticking through the read.


Anonymous said...

Hi Samantha,

Just read your story. I'm sorry you too had to experience such a loss! She looks lovely in that picture. it must be hard for you to look at it all the time?

As for yomur missed cylce, I believe stress can play a part in delaying your period or rather delaying ovulation which lengthens the cycle. Best to speak to your doc about that.

Kind regards


Rosepetal said...

Samantha, I don't have feedback on the periods other than to check it with your doctor like you're going to anyway.

But re the path of grief with your husband - I've read that it can be very normal to have an initial closeness and then feel like you're drifting apart. Grief can be very isolating even if you're both going through it at the same time. One day you're feeling up and he isn't or vice versa.

Of course I don't know anything about any "underlying issues" you may have but just wanted to say that I think it would be normal if it were "aftermath".


karla said...

have you ever heard of the book Taking Control of Your Fertility? Is it really good at helping you understand your cycle and when you ovulate. Without trying to gross you out, I was able to tell when I was ovulating just by the consistency of my cervical mucus.

Stress can definetely mess with your cycle by delaying ovulation. Your luteal phase (after ovulation) is almost always the same (12-16 days-ish).