Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Our Little Man

Say Hello to our "bu-drow". He is our spoiled perfect "little man". His given name- Oakley. He is our pride and joy. And as you can tell, has to be up on us 24/7. He is part greyhound , part golden which makes him fast and happy. We decided to get Oakley at another dark time in our lives 6 yrs ago. Everyday since has been filled with his affection and good lick-licks.

When I was pregnant with Makenzie I heard numerous stories how couples no longer babied or catered to there pets. I was so worried we would do this to him - it made we cry on several occasions. Call it hormones if you will but this did cause much concern. I guess for now-my fears are unfounded. And he is still our "baby".

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