Thursday, July 19, 2007

Night Life

9 weeks and 1 day today. I have been doing fairly well, usually evening hunger pains (1 hr. after dinner) accompanied by nausea accompanied by sore boobs. I have evening nausea vs. morning sickness, did with Makenzie also. The difference so far is that starting yesterday the nausea and hunger and sore boobs have disappeared. Which didn't happen till 2nd trimester before.

I used the phrase "I don't feel pregnant" when I left a message on the OB nurse line.

Here is the thing, last night I laid in bed worried that there may be something going wrong and I needed to hear the HB. So, when I finally did fall asleep, dreams of dead babies danced through my head all evening. Lovely, A?I talked myself down this morning and just relaxed and rested all day until my hubby and a phone call from a friend encouraged me to "just call the OB and see if you can get some reassurance or possibly have a Doppler monitor performed."
Well, the nurse was helpful and told me it would be too early for the Doppler to detect a hb, but that if I was having great anxiety and losing sleep to call back in and have an u/s performed. She also said that "don't feel pregnant" is a typical concern for many mothers. "Just realize that hormones are constantly changing right now and every pregnancy is different."
So, I have decided to try and hang in there till the 31st for our next visit.

I am definitely gonna be ordering a Doppler. Any advise a selecting one and where to go?

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