Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Well ,the holidays have passed and my anxieties over this pregnancy have returned. With the help of some hiccups. I got a call from the nurse the day after Christmas letting me know that the results from my AFP (spinal bifida) test came back high. Not knowing much about this test, and actually not educated about sinal bifida, I made the simple mistake of asking "what does this result mean". Oh boy, she had plenty of SCARY scenarios.

Needless to say, I broke down after the call ended and found myself in the throws of that all familiar "hopeless feeling". I called the nurse back and had her fit me in to Dr. W-onderful's day. I needed to hear the facts from him! (we were on the road, heading home from relatives out-of-town) As soon as he came into the consult room he put our minds at ease. He informed us that A) numerous women get higher results that turn out to be nothing B) my results were not nearly as bad as the nurse made it out to be C) I had already had a Level II ultrasound (along with about 9 others) that showed a very healthy spine and neck- no indication on SB. After he spent 45 minutes going over the facts with us- we decided to do another level II to ease any worries. That u/s has taken place and it all looks fine. Shewwww.......
By the way, doc did say he would speak with the nurse.

On another note, I failed the glucose tests. Which I did with my previous pregnancy also. I am able to control it with my diet, so hopefully that will continue.

Oh, and I don't believe I have said that we are carrying a BOY! We found out at 14 wks during an u/s. I have to say, "we were a little shocked at first, I think we truly thought this one would be a little girl" after about 24 hrs it sunk in and we began to envision him. We are now 20 1/2 weeks>>>but who is counting? LOL.


Rosepetal said...

So glad everything is going well with this pg to date. And what an insensitive nurse! I hope she got a really good talking to from the dr.

Anonymous said...

Me too :) All boys too! Thanks for the update :) XXX

Rosepetal said...

How are you doing Samantha?

Ange said...

Hi Samantha,

Hope all is well for you? I tagged you for a fun list of your fave hotties.
Take care

kate said...

Hi Samantha,

Hadn't checked here for awhile but saw you commenting over at rosepetal's. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers...